Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I haven't physically been here for quite some time---although it never quite leaves my mind. I'm drawn to blogging like a bee to nectar (hopefully in the end it won't prove, like a moth to fire! Ha, ha, ha!). Before Facebook entered my life, I enjoyed my blogging experience. Reading back through my entries they still make me smile! It's good to step back, good to reflect---it gives life in general some perspective.

Looking back it seems I am still needing or wanting to make the same changes for my future that I wanted two years ago! Audrey Facebooked, "How many wrong turns do we have to make to end up where God wants us to be?" I repsonded that I often find myself stuck on a clover leaf! As I reflect on my entries, review the past years list of resolutions, I see how true my response is. I am still looking for many of the same things. Desired but not yet attained... on the otherhand I do recognize some successes, so it's not been a complete loss. I woke up today with another chance, so it's still not too late! Time to get motivated and stay focused! I can do this!

Someones been eating my porridge, ...broke my chair and is sleeping in my bed! Yes, my life is a true life fairytale---the ending which is left to be written, but I KNOW, however it ends, it WILL end with a happily ever after!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wow... I can't believe that it's been so long since my last post---that's sad! Time to breath a little deeper, take moments to enjoy the experience, and live a little richer (I'm not talking monetary). Reflecting back since the time of my last posting, there's been continued growth and self awareness---some misgivings, and missed opportunities... but most of all, lots of laughter! It's good to laugh at oneself... I certainly have plenty of opportunity!

Life is good. I'm alone in what seems like an ocean of people and although that makes me sad at times, I do know that there is a season for everything... everything has a purpose. I try to make sure I am filling my part of the purpose and that makes me smile... it makes life good.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Joy! Joy! Joy!

I love the holidays! It's a time where it's okay to act a little goofey, be a little too happy, give someone a hug or a kiss on the cheek. You get to dress up, go shopping and have get togethers where food and laughter is in abundance! You get to give freely, which is my favorite part of the season... no one should be able to tell you not to give them a present or do something nice for them... it's a holiday rule, isn't it?

It's the season of Giving, not the season of Receiving! So, please don't tell me not to give you something because you can't afford to give me something in return. That's just silly... My mother who is on a fixed income, who gave me life itself is the most giving person I know. She gives and gives year round; she gives whatever she has to anyone in need. When it comes to Christmas, I love to spoil her (I try to do so throughout the year, but this time of year I try to make it special). It's not a competition with my siblings, I don't do it because I want her to spoil me or give me a gift in return, I am certainly not trying to buy her affection... she already loves me. I do it because I love her and enjoy seeing her smile, because I am blessed to be able to do it, and because I find happiness in giving!

What do you have to give? The most precious gifts I've received in my life weren't bought from a store. They were kind deeds, a heart felt letter of thanks and gratitude, something someone gave me that used to belong to them that they cherished, an old book they thought I’d enjoy. The best gifts in life are memories and time spent together… those are gifts I will keep with me through the eternities. The smile on your face, your laugh in my ear, the warmth of your arms around me!

It’s the season of giving, of bringing joy... the season of loving one another!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Giving Thanks

It's been rough, some days... but with Thanksgiving just past I find myself, like so many others, reflecting on the things I am thankful for. I am thankful for the things that I believe in, I find that these things keep me grounded, give me purpose, and challenge me to be better. Knowledge of a Heavenly Father that loves me, believes in me, who give me opportunities to grow and become strong... my family and friends, who interesting enough love me, believe in me, and also provide me opportunities to grow and become strong.

I haven't been feeling well for weeks now, some days worst than others, which has left me strained and I find myself feeling bad for things I haven't done, things I have said, and people I feel I have let down. Why is it we always feel like we have to do it all? There are no accidents and I think my current health issues have forced me to slow down and make some personal assessments. Why wait until January to make resolutions... each day is a gift. I need to take better care of myself, simplify, re-dedicate in being a better "parent" to my little ones, a better mother, sister, aunt, grandmother, and friend... I am thankful for the opportunity to make a difference in so many lives and even more thankful to be blessed in my own life by these same remarkable people!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ahhhh Ha!

It’s a miraculous thing when you have one of those moments, an epiphany, when the light bulb goes off and you take a deep breath and say “Ah ha!” Everything that happens happens for a reason… there is no doubt in my mind. From the people whose lives we cross each and every day, to the books we sometimes read, to the families we are blessed to be a part of… it all has a purpose! God’s hand is in all things!

I can look around and see so many people, so many events that have made a difference in my life, for who I am truly thankful for. They have offered me strength, words of kindness, or provided me opportunities to provide service. They have suggested I read a particular book that has changed my life. They have helped me see God's hand in all things and reaffirmed that He knows me, as He knows us all and watches out for us. I have friends who give me hope and those who remind me to laugh and feel joy.

I can hardly wait to find out what is in store for me today! Which old friend will cross my path once more, who will lift me up, and who's life I might touch... it really is exciting! Life really is worth living!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's a BOY!

Last Friday we found out that my oldest daughter (who is 19 weeks pregnant) is having a boy! A BOY! In a family full of girls... to include the cat and the dog, that's something to get excited about! A boy! That night we had a big family party... my brother and sister-in-law volunteered their house so no one had to drive all the way to Layton (I keep telling everyone you don't need a passport; it's REALLY not that far away) but having it at Michael's was nice and close for my brothers, sisters and their children. We had a great turn out and everyone was required to fill out either a pink or blue paper with our best guess... sex, weight, due date, time of delivery, hours of labor, height, size of Tonja's stomach... along with suggested names. It was a lot of fun! Lots of family and friends, lots of fun, add that to a lot of great food and it was a perfect evening! My heart is full and I am grateful for friends and family who are so supportive... who truly love and care for each other!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I love you all!